Now is the time for me to nip the end-of-the-semester irritation and drainage in the butt and at least try to do some things that aren't related to school or clubs. Well without further ado, here's my list of Goals for November 2015!
1. Workout 3 times a week// Becoming a healthier me shouldn't have to wait until the end of the year or the beginning of the new year to want to change my life for the better. By at least starting somewhere now, I can become the person I would like to be in the future. More about my fitness/ health journey in my new Fitness Fridays series that I'll be posting about soon!
2. Complete Jamberry University// If you don't know, now you know (Biggie Smalls Voice)! I signed up to be a Jamberry Nails Independent Consultant in my birth month of August because I fell in love with the product and the brand as a whole! The only problem is that I didn't realize how much work would go into both trying to run my business and working and keeping up with 18 units. So now I want to go back to the basics and complete the intro courses that will teach me everything I need to know about the business so I can launch officially this December or in January!
3. Spend 30 minutes a day with God daily// This is a more than just a goal for this month, it's a life style change that I've been putting off for a while now. I bought a nice bible with the fancy tabs for each chapter and it's just been sitting in my side-dresser for the past year, only brought out when I finally decided to go to church. But for the past few months I've been feening for that deeper connection with God but just haven't been willing to step out on my faith like I should. By physically writing down my committment to seek the Lord, I hope I find that deeper connection with God because I know my spirit is in need of some restoration right about now.
4. Write 5-7 blog entries// This goal is a bit self explanatory, mainly because I want to develop my blog more and invest more time and energy into finding my voice within the blogging universe. Right now, baby steps is the way to go (at least until the semester ends) and I think that this amount of posts is doable for the time being.
5. Go on a spending fast for the month of November// (Well the rest of the month of November) I want NEED to cut back on my spending, which is why I'm deciding to start my spending fast on my next payday (13th). The line between wants and needs for me isn't very clear anymore and I need to define it ASAP before the holidays take over and I really get into trouble. More about it will be in an upcoming blog post soon!
5. Hike Tummaoc Hill// My final goal of the month is to hike this very large and popular hill that we have here in the great city of Tucson, AZ. The weather is amazing during this time of year and will help make the hike much more bearable. Hopefully I can drag my friends along and make the trip about 3 times this month!
Do you have any goals that you're dying to accomplish this month? Let me know in the comments!
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